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What do I Write?

It's been a while since I have written to you my dear audience. I apologize. I was watching a K-drama earlier today (A Korean Drama). I really like them; I would say I love them, but I've seen what a true lover of K-drama's is and I'm not at that level. My mom is a true lover of K-drama's and I think it's my fault.

I am the reason for her obsession because a couple of years ago I recommended she watch one I had just watched because I thought she would like it. Well, I was right, boy was I right. She now watches them obsessively. She has seen way more than me at this point and not just Korean, she's seen Chinese ones, etc... I have an odd habit of getting my parents into hobbies. My dad was never a golfer, but I got him a golf set once for Father's Day and he has been golfing ever since. Admittedly his hobby has health benefits, so I guess that's something.

It's funny because I don't know if I should feel bad, neutral, or good about it. I wonder if anyone else has gotten their parents a hobby. Is this some strange gift of mine that is untapped? I'm probably reading too much into this. Not everyone is a chosen one whose auspicious coming was foretold. Still...

No I'm being silly. That's why you're back for more even after a whole month passed. I shall strive to do more writing before the upcoming Christmas Holiday. It is the most wonderful time of the year, except for all the other good times of the year. And that one time... I enjoy it anyways and I love seeing loved ones. I am very thankful that many of mine are still around. I hope all of you reading this are having a good time and if you're not. Well, the new year is just around the corner. I'm not going to tell you which corner because I don't know, you'll just have to figure that out for yourself.

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