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Oh, the Places You'll Go

An book is open with pages ready to be turned.
Books will transform the world

Have you ever finished reading a book and thought to yourself "I learned so much from that?" Many books are designed to help us expand our minds and our understanding. Great books cause us to circle back to them over and over because we continually discover the little gems of knowledge contained within their pages.

During the past two months I have been going through the process of writing a book. When I began I thought I knew all that the book would contain, and all I would have to do what get the thoughts into a Word document in a way that made sense to my readers. Boy was I wrong!

Though I had the foundation of an idea in mind, I had no idea what was in store for me. I was only about two days into the writing process when all of a sudden, the potential of the book began to reveal itself to me. From that point forward it was as if the book was writing itself for me!

The lessons I learned while writing just the first draft of the book helped me to gain a completely new understanding of not only the topic, but of the world around me. I started to see things that I thought I understood in ways that I had never imagined. The book took on a life of itself and has helped me to identify a part of myself that I knew was there but could never quite put my finger on.

It's funny how during different seasons of our life we get treated to these little explosions of realization. The people we surround ourselves with can ignite creativity and set us in motion for things we never could have imagined possible. When we say yes to opportunities to stretch ourselves we are provided with new realities, passions, and interests.

Let me encourage you today to do something that you've never done before. Maybe you'll write a book and your world will change. Or perhaps, you'll visit a location that you've never been to and realize that is where you are meant to live. Perhaps you'll meet the man or woman of your dreams, or reignite a flame that has been slowly dying away due to the monotony of life.

What will you do today that will change the rest of your life?

About the Author:

Fear acknowledged and passed

About the Author:

JP Bachmann is a professional speaker focused on Career Advancement, and leads workshops helping people develop career and personal goals using his own unique goalsetting method. He began his professional career in electrical automation, and transitioned into professional sales in the IT industry in 2016. He also works as a national sales leader specializing in account success and company growth. JP was awarded a Business Coaching certification in 2019, and has helped to lead the Toastmasters International volunteer organization by serving as a District Director in Colorado and Wyoming from 2022 to 2023 serving 140 independent clubs and 2000 members. In 2024, JP founded which is devoted to enriching the personal and professional lives of those around him through continuous growth, humor, and thought leadership. Connect with JP by emailing him at

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