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Meal Kit Madness!

You may have seen the "world's okayest ...shirts" while scrolling online; I have thought about getting one many times. Mine would say world's okayest wife. One of the reasons is that I am a really average cook. Painfully average you might say. Some of my dishes are pretty good and some are "well at least she has a good personality".

That's where meal kits come in. I have a love hate relationship with them. They make my live both easier and harder. They boast that they are cheaper than eating out but who does that every day? I do like the convenience of just getting what I need to make some yummy meals. I still have to cook them though which is a bummer. The meal kit company I use has substitutions for certain ingredients i.e. you could get broccoli instead of potatoes. However, you get charged for that and you still get the original ingredients. Which, if you ask me, is not a substitution. It's an addition and I remember from math class that those two things are different. Plus, now I have extra ingredients that I have to do something with.

You'd think with my gripes I could just knuckle down and just buy my own ingredients for the massive stack of recipe's I have accrued. Ha shows what you know sucka! The mere thought of carefully planning and shopping for this week's meals makes me break out in hives. I'll just stick to questioning my life's choices every month or so. I think I'll be going now; all this talk of food has made me hungry. Buen Provecho!

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