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How Did I Miss That?

I recently started replaying a video game that I never finished. (Incidenly I do that a lot, not finishing I mean, well the other thing too.) I digress, I ended up finishing a game and starting a new one. In this one I got into more dialogue with some of the characters and I realized something. I had missed out on several missions. How could I have missed something so obvious?

Well part of the problem is, with games where you can create characters. I tend to start and then not like something I did to my character or want to try something else. Restarting has cause me to play some beginings over and over again but I don't usually get to the end. Also rushing through is a problem because I feel bad about the aforementioned but I want to restart. As I try madly to excuse my shame, however, I am still faced with the issue of missing big side quests that I usually never miss; I think...

Wait, what if I just think I haven't missed something? What if my whole life is a lie? "That's going too far Mel" I hear you or my sane side saying. I would have to concede you're both right. In any case, I really should be paying more attention both to games and to life. Some would say mostly the life part but to them I say, "What if this next time I made a melee street samurai?"

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